Home Home Improvement What Every Homeowner Should Know About Roof Maintenance

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Roof Maintenance

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Are you clueless about roof maintenance? If so, it’s a common problem many homeowners face.

Unless you are a roofing professional, you are probably not aware of the proper way to maintain your roof. You likely don’t give your roof much thought, unless there is a problem that occurs.

Depending on the material your roof is made of, it can last up to up to 50 years. However, without proper maintenance, your roof can lose shingles, rot, collapse, and more.

For this reason, performing regular roof maintenance is one of the best decisions you can make to extend the life of your roof. Fortunately, DIY’ing the basics of your roof maintenance can be a quick and simple process. By following a few tips and tricks, you can maintain your roof for many years.

If you are wondering how to maintain your roof, this short and simple guide is for you.

Make Sure the Roof Is Ventilated 

The first step for preventing costly roof repair is to make sure your roof is properly ventilated. This is essential to ensure moisture doesn’t get trapped in your roof, causing mold, mildew, and rot. If you cannot DIY this step, consider hiring a roofing contractor.

Clean Your Gutters

One way to extend the lifespan of a roof is to clean your gutters regularly. When your gutter system is clogged, it causes a back up of water that can cause a variety of problems. Aim to clean your gutters every three months.

Check for Shingle Damage

One of the most common causes of roof replacement is damaged shingles. When your shingles are damaged, broken, lifted, curled, and more, it affects the structure of your roof. Consider checking for shingle damage every spring and fall.

Keep Your Trees Trimmed

A helpful tip for maintaining your roof is to keep your trees trimmed. If the branches of your trees are leaning on your roof, they can damage your shingles and the surface of your roof. This can result in holes, gashes, gouges, and more, to the surface of your roof.

Schedule Regular Inspections

While you can DIY your roof maintenance, you should also take advantage of the skills and knowledge of professional roofing companies. A professional knows what to look for and how to monitor your roof for any impending problems. Consider scheduling a professional inspection at least twice a year.

If you are looking for a quality roofing company or contractor, see here for more options.

This Is What Every Homeowner Should Know About Roof Maintenance

By using these roof maintenance tips, you can make sure your roof is fully functioning and protecting your home.

Start by making sure your roof is properly ventilated, and  clean your gutters regularly. You should also check for shingle damage and keep your trees trimmed. Make sure to schedule regular inspections to catch any problems you may not be aware of.

Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to properly maintaining your roof.

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