Home Home Improvement Is Well Water Safe to Drink?

Is Well Water Safe to Drink?

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Water is by far the most beneficial resource on the planet. Having a source of water on your own property can be hugely valuable. However, there’s a lot to learn about maintaining a natural water source as well.

If you have a well on your property, you might feel uncertain: is it safe to drink directly from it? Drinking water that isn’t safe can be detrimental to your health in many major ways, so this isn’t something you want to risk. Being safe in this regard can prevent you from being sorry later on.

So is well water safe to drink? Read on and we’ll walk you through everything that you need to know.

What is Well Water?

There are many reasons to consider using a well on your property, this article walks through many of them. However, if you’re considering installing a well on your property it’s important you take the time to understand how the process works.

Well water is water that is located deep under the ground. Water found in natural aquifers makes up much of our drinking water. A well on one’s property is simply a hole that is dug deep enough into the ground to access this kind of aquifer.

For a well to work, a pump needs to be installed to pull up water from this hole and deliver it to the residents of a property. It’s really as simple as that.

Most wells are not tested or overseen by the government, meaning there isn’t much oversight in terms of safety or health. Despite this, a staggering thirteen percent of American households still rely on wells for their daily water needs.

Wells may vary in terms of how deep they are or how they are created. Despite this, most wells work in more or less the same way.

Is Well Water Safe to Drink?

How safe is it to drink water from a well? There are certainly safety concerns that you’ll need to keep in mind if you want a well installed on your property.

Much of this has to do with the fact that it can be difficult to discern when your water is safe to drink and when it isn’t. If chemicals are present in the soil around your home, it is possible that these chemicals could run off into your water source — a major threat to your health.

Microorganisms such as bacteria might also use your well as a breeding ground. Bacteria love dark, wet spaces and might thrive in the exact kind of space your well provides. Drinking this bacteria could make you really sick.

However, with the proper procedures in place, you should be able to stave off these problems and maintain a safe and secure well. You can always send water away for testing to ensure quality is being maintained.

Understanding Well Water

If you’re new to the concept of a well as a main source of water, you likely have many questions and a few concerns. The above information can help you to understand that major question: is well water safe to drink?

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