Home Home Improvement Preparing for Hurricane Season: 6 Tips All Homeowners Need to Know

Preparing for Hurricane Season: 6 Tips All Homeowners Need to Know

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Did you know that America experienced a total of 7 major hurricanes last year? That set a record for the second-highest number of hurricanes.

As climate change increases and hurricane season approaches, the threat will only get worse. This is why it’s crucial to do everything you can to protect your loved ones and your property.

Are you wondering what you should do? Keep reading to learn all about 6 tips that homeowners can use when preparing for hurricane season.

1. Remove or Trim Trees

When it comes to hurricane season tips, you can start by doing some dedicated yardwork. It’s important to look around your property for old trees that could end up being a hazard. One bad fall and a portion of your home could be demolished.

It’s also worth trimming all nearby trees because even small limbs can be used as ammo by a strong hurricane.

2. Protect Your Roof

If you want to prepare for hurricane season, then you shouldn’t neglect your roof. In fact, the roof is one of the most at-risk parts of a home. With this in mind, you should take extra precautions to prevent roof damage.

For instance, if your shingles are already old and brittle, then it’s best to replace them ahead of time for full protection.

3. Bring Outside Items Inside

A hurricane is going to use anything and everything as a potential projectile. To avoid having these things crashing through your walls and windows, it’s a good idea to bring them inside.

If you have a garage, then that’s a reliable place to store patio furniture, garden decorations, and more.

4. Stock Up

Are you still wondering how to prepare your home for hurricane season? It may not be safe to go to the store for a week or more. This is why you should stock up on supplies ahead of time.

Non-perishable food and bottled water are two crucial staples.

5. Secure Windows And More

Aside from your roof, windows and garage doors are particularly vulnerable to the strength of hurricanes. This is why you should secure windows with shutters and your garage door with braces.

Don’t forget to get roof clips too.

6. Clean Out Gutters

During a hurricane, your gutters and can easily become clogged and overflow. This increases the risk of roof leaks because, one way or another, the water will find a way down.

By keeping them squeaky clean ahead of time, you’ll be able to avoid disaster.

Preparing For Hurricane Season Is Important

Now that you’ve learned all about 6 tips that homeowners can use when preparing for hurricane season, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your home is safe and sound. As the tried and true saying goes, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Whether you’re trying to protect your home from natural disasters or looking to renovate the kitchen for an awesome glow-up, our articles can help you out. You can stay in the loop by bookmarking our site or clicking around for more expert tips and tricks.

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