Home Home Improvement Maintenance of Your Cooling Equipment

Maintenance of Your Cooling Equipment

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Besides cleaning, regular maintenance of your cooling equipment is essential. It reduces the risk of total breakdown, but it also reveals the overall condition and efficiency of your system. A malfunctioning cooling system can cost you more than money in repair costs, and it can even shut down your business. Therefore, keeping up with regular maintenance of your cooling equipment is a smart move, no matter the size of your business. Here are a few tips for keeping your cooling system running efficiently.

Change of filters

There are several benefits to changing filters in your heating and cooling equipment. Filters clogged with dust, debris, and pollen can be harmful to the health of those who use them. A dirty filter can also reduce airflow and cause a system failure. Additionally, dirty filters can harbor bacteria and mold, which can harm your home’s indoor air quality. By keeping these filters clean, you can ensure the freshest air possible, reducing the risk of getting respiratory and allergy problems.

Before replacing air filters, inspect them to ensure they are clean. A thin layer of dirt covering the filter’s surface indicates it is time to change. If the dirt coating protects most of the filter’s surface, you should replace the filter. If the dirt is thick, the filter has been in use for a long time. A thick layer of soil can also obscure the filter’s material. To avoid this problem, you should change the filter every three months.

Inspection of evaporator coils

A poorly maintained HVAC system can harbor harmful bacteria and pose a health risk to building occupants. Evaporator coils can become clogged with mold spores, pollen, and other bio-contaminants, affecting the quality of indoor air and spreading to manufactured items. Additionally, dirty coils can inhibit proper airflow, decrease cooling performance, and increase utility bills.

To properly inspect the evaporator coils, remove the access panel for the unit. The access panel is secured with sheet screws and usually covered with metal foil tape. Once removed, the technician will visually inspect the coil and remove any debris or dirt in the coil area. If necessary, he may remove other panels to access the loop. The technician will apply a spray foam solution to the coil passageways during the cleaning process, soaking dirt and debris and dripping into the condensate drain pan.

Inspection of condenser

A thorough inspection of the condenser of cooling equipment is essential for several reasons. A condenser dissipates heat by sucking in air from its sides. To prevent dripping water and mold, it must be free of obstructions. Debris from the condensing coils should be removed and replaced as they impede airflow. An air conditioning contractor will inspect the drain pan and the condensing lines for clogs, holes, and loose connections. They will also look for leaks in the condensate drain line and pour water through it to verify proper operation.

The front of the condenser should be checked for blockages and the top and bottom of the cooling equipment. This part of the cooling system needs to be visually inspected using a shop light. Depending on the model and age of the vehicle, the front cowl may need to be removed. In addition, most cars require a radiator inspection after a few hundred thousand miles. InspectAPedia’s air conditioning articles contain tips and tricks to prevent costly repairs.

Inspection of water pump

Inspecting the water pump during cooling equipment maintenance is essential for several reasons. First, its performance is affected by leaking fluid, which can damage the pump. The pump’s coupling guard and motor alignment bolts should be tightly tightened to the base plate. If the coupling guard does not have a tightening bolt, it should be replaced. Finally, the pump must be able to handle the amount of fluid it needs to function correctly.

Performing a thorough inspection is an excellent way to avoid unnecessary costs and downtime. Depending on the number of cooling equipment, the maintenance schedule may be scheduled on a specific frequency and hours run. During the inspection, visual checks are performed externally and internally. Externally, they should be inspected for leakage and other damage. The internal assessment involves dismantling the pump and replacing its seals. In addition, the pump’s differential pressure should be checked for cracks and other injuries, and vibration levels should be within design limits.

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