Home Home Improvement 5 Ways You Can Prevent Termites in Your Home

5 Ways You Can Prevent Termites in Your Home

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It’s one of a homeowner’s worst nightmares: finding termites in the home. Although termites are harmless to humans, they’re not harmless to your home. Termites can quickly eat through a wooden structure of a home and even infest furniture inside the home as well, causing lots of damage. 

Thankfully, there are a few ways to prevent termites from entering your home. In the guide below, you’ll find several things you can do. Continue reading for everything you need to know about how to prevent termites!

1. Limit Your Wooden Furniture

Termites chew through wood and some even build their nests inside wooden objects. Wood is also a termites source of food. For this reason, it’s best to limit how much wooden furniture you have in your home. 

Try to purchase metal or plastic furniture when it’s time for new items. Be sure to check all new wooden furniture items for signs of termites to prevent them from entering your home on furniture pieces. 

2. Seal All Cracks Around the Home

If there are any small cracks or other openings around your home, then termites can easily enter through those. Do a complete inspection of your home checking for any imperfections. 

If you do happen to find cracks or openings, then be sure to seal them as quickly as possible. 

3. Be Proactive With Boric Acid

A great proactive approach is to use boric acid in the home. Boric acid is one of the least poisonous methods of pest control that you can use in your home. For this reason, boric acid is much safer to use around pets and small children than other methods. 

You can use a boric acid termite prevention spray for your wooden furniture items and use a boric acid powder around the house as great DIY termite prevention. 

4. Reduce Moisture in the Foundation

Termites not only need wood to survive but moisture as well. You should check your home for signs of moisture or drainage issues. All downspouts should direct water away from your home and the foundation.

The same is true for HVAC unit drip lines. You don’t want any moisture building up around the foundation. This can attract termites. 

Any excessive moisture in the home should be inspected and corrected also.

5. Schedule Regular Inspections

Having professional termite control services inspect your home on a regular basis will prevent termites from infesting your home. Even if signs of termites are detected, a professional will spot them in the early stages and take all necessary steps to remove them.

These professionals can inspect and treat your home once a year to keep the termites out. 

You Can Prevent Termites in Your Home

There’s no reason why you should have to share your home with termites or worry about an infestation. By following some of these tips listed above, you can prevent termites in your home.  For more home topics similar to this one and a variety of others as well, visit here on a daily basis. 

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