Home Home Improvement 5 Signs You Should Call a Mold Remediation Service

5 Signs You Should Call a Mold Remediation Service

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Did you know that repeated and continuous exposure to mold can result in an increase in the severity of the allergic reaction and make the person sicker and sicker? This is even more true if it’s a child who’s exposed to mold in their home or school since they are smaller and become vulnerable to the effects of mold faster than an adult would.

Are you wondering how to detect if you have mold growing in your home? Keep reading for 5 signs that will inform you of the dire need to call a mold remediation service.

  1. You Have a Cold That Won’t Go Away

Exposure to mold spores continuously can cause a lot of cold-like or allergy symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes, wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, runny nose, headache, and fatigue. If you have all these symptoms, you might dismiss it merely as a cold.

But if it seems like these cold-like symptoms don’t go away no matter how much time passes by, you might have a mold infestation in your home. Learn more here about mold mycotoxins and how they can affect your and your family’s health.

  1. Your Wallpaper Is Peeling

If your wallpaper is peeling or looks like it’s bubbling or cracking, it could indicate that you have moisture or humidity in the walls. Moisture is always a precursor to mold, so it’s a good idea to cut it off at the roots. Pay attention to your walls and if anything starts looking warped or damp, call a mold remediation company right away.

  1. Your AC or Heating Unit Smells Strange

Yes, you can’t do without your standalone air conditioning unit. But it can be a prime spot for mold growth.

It’s dark, damp, and exposed to warm temperatures when not in use. The same thing applies to your heating unit.

That’s why it’s important to get both of these checked out regularly for mold. You won’t regret the extra cost.

  1. You Have Itchy Skin

If you have a habit of dumping your damp towel or clothes on the ground, it’s a high possibility that it could have developed mold which then transferred over to your skin, when you wore it next. Even washing it in hot water might not take care of all the mold spores on your clothing.

  1. You Have Coloured or Dark Spots on Your Walls

This is the most obvious and common sign of mold. If you have dark or discolored spots on your walls (or in between your tiles), then you know you have a mold problem. Start a mold remediation process right away.

A Mold Remediation Service Is the Best Solution Here

If you are wondering if spending money on a mold remediation service is a good idea, it is! Not only for the good of your and your family’s health but also to ensure that you don’t end up making things worse for the structural integrity of your home, if you ignore the problem for too long.

Keep reading through the other fascinating articles on our website to keep learning and growing.

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