Home Home Improvement 5 Signs It’s Time to Call a Local Electrician

5 Signs It’s Time to Call a Local Electrician

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There are an estimated 51,000 fires caused by home electric issues every year. This results in roughly 500 deaths, 1,400 injuries, and $1.3 billion in property damage. If you’re not careful, this could be you.

As a home owner, you’ll always want to be cautious of any electric issues you see popping up. It’s important to remember to have your smoke detectors working properly and on every floor in each bedroom and outside sleeping areas too. If any problems do persist, it may be time to contact a local electrician.

What are the most common electric issues though? Read our guide below to find out.

Circuit Breakers Keep Tripping

A tripped circuit breaker is generally nothing to worry about. It’s normal for it to happen from time to time in any household.

If it becomes a frequent occurrence, it may be time to contact local electricians Ladue, MO. It may be a wiring issue or the circuit is overloaded.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights mean it’s time to change the bulbs. If after you’ve changed them and they continue to flicker on and off, it may again be a wiring issue.

One reason this may be occurring is when you run large appliances like the fridge and air conditioner simultaneously. Be that as it may, don’t hesitate to call an electrician if the problem persists.

Outlets Are Hot to Touch

Outlets, electrical switches and other appliances that are too hot to touch could be because of an electrical system issue. Without a local electrician, you could experience a severe electrical hazard.

The hot outlets can cause electrical fires or electric shock. A professional will know just the right types of electrical installations for your particular needs.

Sparking Circuits

A power point sparking up is a clear indication to shut it off and call the electric company immediately. If you don’t hurry, a fire could start or you could get severely injured. You don’t want to put yourself or your family at risk.

Burning Smell Coming From Outlets

A burning smell coming from an outlet could mean it’s overheating. It may also look burnt or discolored in nature.

Do this: turn off your electricity, disconnect any equipment, and call your local electrician. Once they’re at your home, they’ll inspect your outlets and provide any feedback going forward.

Your Local Electrician Will Save the Day

The sooner you call your local electrician the better. It’s well-advised to get your home regularly inspected too.

Owning a home will come with its hurdles, especially if it’s a fixer-upper. Take the responsibility seriously to protect your family’s health and safety.  If you have recently moved, it’s always well advised to call an electrician as well.

Aside from electric issues, you’ll want to be on top of the safety and security of your home. Read our blog to be able to know what to look out for.


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