Choosing between vinyl vs hardwood flooring is easy for some people. Some automatically choose the one that will make the house more valuable. So, they pick hardwood floors to increase the home’s value by more than 2.5%.
However, some others prefer types of flooring that are cheap and easy to install. They don’t need anything fancy — they just want a floor that they can safely walk on. And for that, they can choose vinyl with its easy-to-install features.
Keep reading below to learn more about how to choose between vinyl or hardwood flooring for your home!
Vinyl is Cheaper and Easier to Install
One of the reasons many people choose vinyl flooring for their homes is that it’s simply cheaper. It can cost as little as $2 per square foot to install vinyl flooring. However, when it comes to your home, saving money comes at a significant cost.
The lifespan of vinyl flooring is nowhere near as long as hardwood. It can warp and get damaged over time — vinyl is more susceptible to wear and tear than hardwood. It also usually cannot be repaired without tearing out the entire flooring in a room and replacing it all.
Vinyl can also emit volatile organic compounds into the air after it is installed. This comes as a result of the products used while making vinyl flooring.
Hardwood Looks Better and Insulates Better
Hardwood may be more expensive than vinyl flooring, but that cost can be worth it for many people. Hardwood usually looks better than vinyl flooring, giving a room a touch that’s hard to mimic. It is also more durable than vinyl — most of the time, you need power tools to seriously damage it.
Hardwood flooring is also a better insulator than vinyl flooring, making it the preferred flooring in older homes. These kinds of homes may not have the advanced insulation materials used in modern ones. Instead, heat and cold air may only be kept in by well-made floors.
Installing hardwood flooring also tens to improve your home’s resale value. Buyers tend to look for hardwood flooring when shopping for a new house. Rather than install it themselves, they want it to be installed already when they move in.
When it Comes to Hardwood, There Are Types of Flooring
Hardwood also gives homeowners some options when it comes to styling their homes. For example, they can choose timber flooring to give their house a sturdier look and feel. Timber tends to be stronger than most other kinds of wood.
It also comes in a variety of different colors and shades. Timber can also be installed quickly by experienced professionals who know how to make a home look incredible!
It’s Hard to Choose Between Vinyl vs Hardwood Flooring
Choosing between vinyl vs hardwood flooring is not an easy task. Everyone has different ways they envision their home looking. Some prefer darker kinds of flooring, while others want to install something that brings out the light in the place.
And for some homeowners, the flooring of their homes can’t be less important. They would rather save money on it, and for that, they can choose vinyl floors. And for everyone else, there is a wide range of different hardwood options available.
To learn more about how to make the most of your home and install the flooring that’s right for you, just keep reading the blogs on our website!