Home Home Improvement Top 5 Early Warning Signs You Have an Electrical Problem

Top 5 Early Warning Signs You Have an Electrical Problem

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According to the National Fire Protection Association, electric malfunctions are the second most common cause of house fires in the U.S. They account for about 13% of home fires across the country.

An electrical problem can put your life and home at risk and is an issue you should take care of promptly. This guide will discuss some of the warning signs to look out for. Keep reading to learn what they are.

When looking for reliable electrician service check out the site ses.com.sg.

1. Dimming Lights

One of the most common signs of an electrical problem is dimming lights. This tends to occur when you have old or damaged wires.

If your lights start to buzz when you turn them on in any room, this is an issue you have to get checked out by a professional. Lights that dim when you have multiple appliances plugged in and in use also require attention.

Check out some of the common electrical problems you need to resolve with the help of a trained electrician.

2. A Hot Outlet

Other things that indicate electrical issues include hot outlets. Most appliances will get warm when they’re in use. It’s not normal for your outlet to feel hot, however.

If you notice this issue when using a specific outlet, unplug any appliance cords right away. Leaving an appliance in use with a hot outlet can damage your appliances and can lead to a house fire.

Contact an Electrician Perth so they can determine if you have faulty wiring.

3. Strange Odors

Next on the list of signs of electrical problems is a strange odor coming from an outlet. When you start using a new appliance, you might notice a particular smell because of the surface paint or material.

While this isn’t a cause for alarm, a burning smell coming from an outlet is. Unplug any devices in use right away.

You can even turn off the breaker for that section of the home if it makes you feel safer. Call an electrician to inspect the area.

4. Chewed Wires

Other signs of electrical issues to look out for include chewed wires. Chewed wires are often a sign that you have both a rodent problem and an electrical one.

This type of damage poses a fire hazard as well. Contact an electric technician so they can inspect the chewed wiring and replace it before the issue worsens.

5. A Loose Outlet

Loose outlets also indicate electrical problems in your home. When you plug in an appliance and see the outlet move, this can lead to electric shorts or fire.

Avoid the wiring from getting damaged by securing the outlet safely.

Look For These Signs of Having an Electrical Problem

There are many signs you can look for when you think you have an electrical problem. Pay attention to dimming lights or strange smells. Contact an electrician right away if you notice these signs.

Check out some of the other home and home improvement blogs on our site for more tips.

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