Does your home look like a science project that needs further examination in the lab? Cleaning is one of those necessary evils sometimes, isn’t it? The funny thing is, once you do it, you will feel so much better about yourself.
Think about the type of home you want to have. How do you want your guests to feel when they walk in? Your home and your space says a lot about you, doesn’t it?
Spring cleaning is the perfect excuse to create the kind of environment you want. For tips and tricks on how to get started, read our guide below.
- Write a Checklist
One of the first things you’ll want to do is create a cleaning checklist. Break down your list into rooms, areas (cabinets and drawers), and tasks. Tasks will include things such as organizing, wiping, and cleaning.
By creating a spring cleaning checklist, you won’t get overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to accomplish. Instead, you will feel empowered every time you cross something off your list.
- Decluttering 101
While most people wouldn’t classify as “hoarders”, many do hang on to possessions for far too long. When things begin to pile up, our mental psyche, anxiety, and stress levels will rise as a result.
Decluttering your home ought to be done at least once a year. In preparation for spring cleaning, you’ll want to go through your stuff room by room and remove anything unnecessary.
Do you have clothes that you haven’t worn in 6 months, any damaged or expired items, or toys just taking up space? Remove the unutilized energy and either donate or sell it.
- Check the Junk Drawers
When things don’t have a particular “home” they go in the junk drawer. If you’re like most people, you have one or many of these drawers.
While it may seem insignificant at the time, items can easily accumulate and you’ll be needed more storage space.
Focus on how cathartic and rewarding cleaning out a drawer can feel. Put on some music or a show and get to work!
- Clean Out the Fridge and Freezer
Cleaning jobs like the fridge and freezer are a great way to get your spring cleaning off on the right start. If it’s been too long since you’ve done this, now is the perfect time to begin.
First, remove all items and place frozen items in a chest cooler until finished. Remove and clean out all compartments with warm soapy water. Check to see if any items are expired and if so discard them.
When you replace the items, write the expiration in front with big bold numbers.
Spring Cleaning to the Rescue!
Our space is an extension of ourselves and our minds. When you clean your space, your mind benefits too.
With spring right around the corner, our spring cleaning tips will help you tackle your home with grace. When you create the right vibe in your home, you will begin to see the ripple effects.
For much more advice on indoor cleaning and staying tidy, read our blog.