Home Home Improvement The Most Common Types of Rugs for Your Home

The Most Common Types of Rugs for Your Home

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Homeowners spent over 600 billion dollars on home accessories in 2019. Home accessories and decor not only complete the look of your home but create an ambiance that you love.

Rugs are one accessory that helps warm up a room and define the space. They give the furniture a place and they also protect your floor.

But there are different types of rugs to choose from. How do you know which one to choose for your space? Before buying a rug, here are five options for you to consider.

1. Cotton

When it comes to rug options, cotton is a great choice. Cotton rugs come in a variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes. They’re easy maintenance; all you need to do is wash and vacuum them frequently, and they’re typically very budget-friendly.

Because cotton rugs have a tendency to stain quickly and the colors to fade as well, use cotton rugs in places where there’s not a lot of traffic. These include places like kitchens or kids’ rooms.

2. Wool

Wool is another popular choice for a rug because it warms up your room substantially. One of the benefits of wool is its sustainability and ability to last many years if it’s cared for well. Wool is often hand-woven, knotted, or loomed, which means it costs significantly more, but this is because they’re high-quality.

Because of its ability to live up to heavy-traffic areas, you could place a wool rug just about anywhere in your home. In order for your wool rug to last, be sure to commit to cleaning once a year with a cleaning company like Boss Systems.

3. Synthetic

If you’re not a fan of natural fibers, you might want to try a synthetic rug. Synthetic rugs are made with synthetic fibers but they feel like real fibers. Some synthetic materials used are microfiber, polypropylene, polyester, and nylon.

Synthetic fiber rugs are cost-effective, but they don’t last very long, at the most a few years. Cleaning and caring for them regularly can extend their life.

4. Silk

Silk rugs are a luxury to have in your home. They’re soft and perfect for rooms that don’t see a lot of traffic because they’re very delicate. They’re also very expensive because they take more time to weave than wool rugs.

Silk rugs look incredible in your home but remember that they’re very difficult to clean and likely require a professional rug cleaner to do so.

5. Grass Rugs

Grass rugs are rugs made from certain types of grasses like bamboo and hemp. These rugs bring a naturalistic feel into your home and they’re highly sustainable.

Grass rugs work well on their own, but they can also be used underneath more expensive rugs to give padding. They also look great outside on porches or decks.

Types of Rugs For You

With all the types of rugs available there’s something for everyone to make their home feel warm and welcoming. Which rug type works best for you?

Do you want to learn more about home decorating? Visit our Decoration page today for more tips and tricks to get your space looking its best.

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