Home Home Improvement The Benefits of Installing a New Roof

The Benefits of Installing a New Roof

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Your home’s roof takes the brunt of most weather and wear, weakening it over time. In fact, most roofs should be replaced every 25 years to ensure their durability and safety.

Many benefits come with replacing your roof, making it a wise investment.

This home improvement will become safer to live under while increasing the value of your home simultaneously.

Keep reading if you’re considering having a new roof installed soon!

Increase Your Home’s Value 

A roofing company, like Roofing by Landmark, is an excellent start to getting efficient work done to your roof. When the work is done correctly, your home’s value will increase.

Replacing your roof will increase the appraisal, meaning you can get more for your home if you ever decide to sell. Many housing inspectors consider this an upgrade for the entire house.

Better Insulation and Efficiency

As older roofs age, their insulation becomes less efficient. This can be due to holes, leaks, cracks, etc. Regardless of the cause, your home struggles to keep warm or cold air inside when needed.

You’ll spend more money each month as air escapes through the roof. Roofing contractors will advise you to install a new roof to fix these insulation issues.

Once your new roof is installed, your home will become more efficient. Your air conditioner or heater will no longer have to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. This means you’ll use each less and save more money.

Insurance Coverage

Most people have home insurance that covers their roofs. However, not everyone understands that most insurance providers will not cover roofs over a certain age. Therefore, it may be good to get a new roof to maintain insurance coverage.

Insurance is a necessity, especially in areas with severe storms. Your policy should cover any damages from debris, wind, trees, etc.

New Look

An exciting part of getting a new roof is that you can change the look of your home. If you’ve had the same roof for 20 years, a new look may benefit your taste.

For example, today, darker roofs are more popular than light-colored ones. This gives depth and contrasts against other colors of your home.

Better Air Quality

Roofs also play a massive role in keeping moisture out of your residence. An old or damaged roof is susceptible to leaks. These leaks can produce mold if not treated right away.

Mold is a hazard to your home’s air quality. Breathing in these particles can pose harmful health impacts for those in the house. Therefore, the roof must be replaced for better air quality.

The Benefits of a New Roof 

A new roof installation is a wise investment that will reap the previous benefits listed.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about the hazards of a worn roof or your family’s safety.

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