Home Featured Planning a DIY Bathroom Makeover? Don’t Forget to Hire a Plumber

Planning a DIY Bathroom Makeover? Don’t Forget to Hire a Plumber

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Home projects have skyrocketed in popularity recently. The average American spent $13000 on one project or another last year!

Of all the remodeling people do in the house, though, bathroom renovations are more common than most.

Are you planning a DIY bathroom makeover of your own? Well, it might be worth bringing in a professional plumber to handle certain elements of the project. Want to find out why?

Read on to discover the main benefits of hiring a plumber.


As surprising as it might sound, even a simple bathroom remodel can pose certain safety risks- especially when you’ve never done them before. Things like lifting heavy objects, handling hot water, and dealing with water pressure can all lead to injury if you’re not careful.

Unlike the average DIY-er, plumbers have all the skills, tools, and experience to do the work safely. That means you can sit back and relax, out of harm’s way, and let them do the dangerous jobs!


There’s no denying it: hiring a plumber to help with a bathroom makeover costs money. But you can see it as an investment! You can get on with other jobs, chores, or general life activities while they do the leg work.

In other words, hiring a plumber saves you time and effort. You don’t have to watch endless YouTube videos and read countless blog articles to wrap your head around a certain process! You simply leave everything to the pros.


Doing anything for the first time is a recipe for making mistakes, which is far from ideal in the realm of plumbing! Not only is there lots of potential for trouble (e.g. leaks when you’re doing the shower plumbing), but the very thought of doing something wrong (and dealing with the expensive implications) can cause high levels of stress.

Asking a professional plumber for support alleviates both issues. Thanks to their experience, training, and tools, they’ll sort out any job you throw at them with ease. Likewise, anything that does go wrong should be covered by their insurance, which means you wouldn’t have to pay for any mistakes that occur.


A DIY bathroom makeover can be a dirtier process than many homeowners first imagine!

Remember, you could be dealing with toilets, sewers, and waste disposal systems, among others. All things considered, this line of work can give new meaning to the phrase “getting your hands dirty”.

More often than not, plumbers are better prepared to do this work and handle any waste-related issues that arise.

Hire a Plumber for Your DIY Bathroom Makeover

Many people hesitate over hiring a plumber to help with their DIY bathroom makeover. After all, it’s called “do it yourself” for a reason! Throw the added expense into the mix and it’s no wonder some homeowners attempt the solo route.

As we’ve seen, though, there’s no shortage of reasons to bring the professionals on board. We hope the insights in this article have highlighted why that’s the case!

To read more blog posts like this one, search the “Do It Yourself” section of the website now.

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