Home Home Improvement How to Clean Oriental Rugs: A Quick Guide

How to Clean Oriental Rugs: A Quick Guide

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Did you know that a Persian rug can last over 100 years or more? If cared for properly, a quality rug can last over a lifetime. And because a real oriental rug is usually a significant investment, it makes sense to protect it by knowing how to look after it.

Do you have oriental rugs in your home? If so, now is the perfect time to learn about caring for them before it’s too late. Check out this quick and informative guide on how to clean oriental rugs below.

Vacuum and Remove Debris

The first step in rug cleaning is to remove any large debris from the rug by hand. Then get out a vacuum and run it over the rug until it is clear of dirt. Don’t forget to flip the rug over and vacuum the backside of it as well.

Clean Oriental Rugs With a Gentle Cleanser

Because real oriental rugs are made with natural materials, you can clean them with a neutral pH cleaner that is gentle, like certain dish soaps. Mix a solution of cool water and cleaner together, and apply it to the rug evenly with a cloth. Moving in one direction, work in small sections by wiping with the cloth.

Remove Stains and Odours

It’s no secret that one of the top requests for housecleaning tips is how to remove stains from rugs. Whether you have old or new stains, you can use a mixture of vinegar and warm water to get rid of it. Create a solution of one-quarter cup of vinegar and warm water, or white vinegar and baking soda for extra-tough stains.

Rinse the Rug

Once you’ve cleaned the rug, it’s time to give it a good rinse. Lightly spray the rug with a water bottle, and take care not to oversaturate it. You can use a squeegee to remove excess water from the rug.

Dry and Air It Out

The final step in your rug care is to dry it. You can do this by putting towels over the rug, and then walking over them so that they absorb water. Then lay it flat in an airy location.

Find a Professional Rug Cleaner

If you have a rug that needs special attention, it might be time to call in the pros. Rug cleaners can often remove pet stains, deodorize them, make repairs, and do other services. You can check out different companies like www.cleanvillecarpetcare.com online to find the best match in your area.

Ready To Keep Your Rug Clean?

Now that you’ve learned how to care for your rug you can do it properly by using these cleaning tips. Always use cool water and a mild solution to clean your oriental rugs. And if there are issues that go beyond your rug-cleaning skill set, don’t be afraid to get the help of a professional rug cleaning company.

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