Home Home Improvement 5 Common Furnace Problems Homeowners May Encounter

5 Common Furnace Problems Homeowners May Encounter

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If you are like most U.S. homeowners, you heat your home with a furnace. Unfortunately, furnace problems happen, and you’ll likely need an expert to fix your broken furnace.

Furnace issues include lack of heat, random noises, and when it just stops working. Knowing what to look for can save you a lot of money before your furnace issues worsen.

Here are five common furnace problems you might find as a homeowner.

  1. Furnace Problems Begin With a Lack of Heat

A lack of heat can mean a broken furnace. You might have a broken thermostat, or the pilot light might be out. You could also have clogged air filters, preventing the furnace from distributing heat throughout your home.

Contact a professional who knows something about furnaces repair, if you don’t have heat because of a broken furnace

  1. Random Noises

Your home furnace should make a noise when it runs, but you might have a bigger problem when it’s loud. Loud rumblings or clanking mean you should call a repair team out soon!

Sometimes, a noise might mean a piece of equipment is out of place or needs replacing. It could also mean a fuel issue inside your home furnace.

  1. Your Furnace Stops Working

If your residential furnace stops working, this is an indication that something is wrong and needs fixing! You might notice the problem if your house isn’t as warm or as cool as it should be.

Your pilot light could be out, or it could be a power supply issue. Depending on the type of furnace you have, it could trip the circuit breaker.

You don’t want your furnace to stop working randomly, especially when repair costs can spike on a holiday or weekend.

  1. Blower Constantly Runs

A blower constantly running can mean it’s not functioning correctly and needs replacing. In some cases, it can become overheated. Your home will have a burnt smell because the blower isn’t turning off.

There are several reasons your blower could stop working, including faulty electrical wiring, age, and even dirt and dust accumulation inside the blower mechanism.

  1. Higher Electric Bill

Is your electric bill not correct? Does it seem higher? This could indicate that the type of furnace you have in your home isn’t working properly.

Your electric bill can skyrocket when you don’t maintain your residential furnace. Regular maintenance can keep your electric bill and other heating costs lower.

Five Furnace Problems You Should Know

Five furnace problems you should know as a homeowner include a lack of heat, random noises, and when your furnace stops working. It would help if you also realized there’s a problem when your blower malfunctions and your electric bill spikes.

Knowing these signs can help you save time and money as a homeowner. The longer and better you maintain your furnace, the better it functions in your home.

Keep reading our blog for more information about running efficient home appliances and maintenance. You’ll be up to speed on the latest tips and tricks!

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