Home Home Improvement 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Consumption at Home

4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Consumption at Home

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The world is currently on a crash course to climate catastrophe. If the latest IPCC report tells us anything, it’s that all of us need to start making some profound changes.

While we might not be able to convince our government to abandon coal, oil, or natural gas, we can turn inwards and look at our own lives. And, the reality is that most of us can find ways to reduce energy consumption at home.

Today we’re going to discuss four simple things you can do to create a more sustainable home. When enough people make these sorts of changes, it can create a massive impact.

Read on to learn more.

1. Don’t Use as Much AC

Air conditioning makes up some of the highest utility costs that homeowners pay. By dialing your thermostat up, you not only help the environment—you also help your bank account.

Try setting your thermostat to 78 when you’re home and 85 when you’re out. It might seem extreme at first, but you’ll get used to it.

You can also open the windows at night when it’s cooler!

2. Hang Dry Your Laundry

Washers and dryers are also energy hogs. Try washing your clothes with cold water to use less energy, then instead of drying your clothes in the dryer, look for a way to hang them up.

If you don’t have a large yard, you can even invest in an indoor drying rack!

3. Cut Down on Paper Products

Paper products take a look of energy to produce, and they also take up space in landfills. Cutting them out of your house is one of the best ways to save energy.

Look into getting reusable napkins and paper towels. Not only will you help the environment, but you’ll also help your bank account. No more buying roll after roll of paper towels each month!

4. Replace Your Windows

Regardless of whether you live in a new or old home, much of your AC drifts out windows, doors, and other locations around your house. The best way to combat that? By investing in home window repair.

New or upgraded windows will help the cool air stay in, and the hot air stay out (or vice versa). You’ll also be amazed at how much cheaper your utility bills become once you repair and upgrade these areas!

Understand the Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home

While corporations and governments may be the real polluters, that doesn’t mean that individuals can’t find ways to reduce energy consumption at home. The reality is that everyone can take steps to create a greener, happier planet.

Use this guide and the tips mentioned to reduce your home’s energy consumption and become a part of the green revolution. Remember to encourage those around you to do the same as well!

Are you looking to learn more about how to create a green home? If you are, make sure to check out the rest of our site for more great content.

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