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How to Plan a Move: The Key Steps to Take

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Moving home should be a time for excitement! A fresh new start and a world full of possibilities are ahead of you. The biggest problem for many is getting there.

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In fact, two-thirds of people find moving house to be more stressful than getting divorced and having a baby. If you have had to do a big move before then you already know that this is no exaggeration.

Does it have to be this way? The answer is no.

If you are moving soon evade the stress by following our guide on how to plan a move.

Get Organised 

Chaos is not your friend when planning a move, so limit the chances of it infringing on your peace of mind by getting organized. First, find a good moving checklist. These can be lifesavers when you have so many things to plan.

Never underestimate the value of writing things down, so having a notebook or keeping a record of what needs to be done digitally is a must.

Lastly, the last thing you want to be doing on your final days in your old place is looking for papers while you are neck high in boxes, so buy a binder or folder to keep important documents related to the move close to hand.

Swift action on this point from the beginning will be the difference between a smooth move or the move from hell.

Out With the Old

We hardly ever notice how much we have until we decide to move house. Rather than allow yourself to be overwhelmed it’s important to know how to plan a move when it comes to your belongings.

Be smart way by writing up an inventory as soon as you know that you will be leaving. Then you can arrange your things into four categories: keep, sell, give away and throw out.

By choosing not to be sentimental you could find yourself with a clearer mind and potentially even a fuller wallet!

Get the Movers In

If you can, it always is beneficial to simplify things and one means of cutting out stress is by hiring reputable movers like americanmoveandstore.com. It is good to have some questions in mind about things like their experience and also what they need from you in preparation.

Hiring movers may not always be the cheapest option, but it’s one that you will never regret.

Cross All the T’s 

Even having a checklist doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to have something slip through the cracks.

Commonly, these things can include changing your address on official documentation or making sure you have informed the post office of your forwarding address. Utility companies will also need to be informed about your plans.

Knowing how to plan a move involves being successful in doing these little tasks. This will allow you to enjoy that celebratory “we did it” champagne after moving in peace, and not with a bitter after taste after realizing that you are being charged in two places.

Now That’s How to Plan a Move!

Whether you are moving to a new state or across the world, getting familiar with how to plan a move will save your blushes and allow you to focus on your new adventure.

We hope these moving tips will serve you well no matter where your journey takes you.

If you enjoyed this post be sure to check out the other useful guides on our site.

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