No one wishes for a basement flood, nor any of the damages it causes. Still, it is better to be preventive than to seek last minute water damage restoration solutions. Getting a sump pump installation saves you the headache of trying to find immediate solution to your flooded basement, in the event that such happens.
Though your house may not be within the risk-areas where intense rain and storms happen often, there are other factors that can cause flooding in your basement like, a blocked drainage, soil/flooring damage and gutters that aren’t clear. A sump pump would take care of flooding, regardless of the cause but if you need more convincing, check out these 5 reasons why you definitely need a sump pump:
- It keeps your basement dry
Primarily, a sump pump helps you extract water from your basement immediately the water hits the lowest point of your basement. With a sump pump, you don’t have to worry about flooding or basement damage.
- It prevents mold
When water gets into your basement, it may seep into the wood and develop molds. A sump pump helps to keep the underground space dry and prevent the build-up of mold and mildew, both of which have serious health disadvantages.
- It gives alerts about water level increase
Depending on the design of the sump pump, it can let you know when the water level is getting to a point that puts your basement at the risk of flooding. Some advanced sump pumps can actually put a call through to the homeowner’s phone with an alert for increasing water levels. With this, your basement is always kept dry and out of risk of flooding, especially when you are not at home to pay attention.
- It increases property value
The fact that it keeps your basement in good condition (dry) means it also helps to protect the structure and foundation of the house from water damage. Also, the fact that it is in good working condition increases the value of your property as real estate.
- It reduces cost of water damage repair
The worst part of basement flooding is the damage that is done by the water. With a sump pump, that becomes a thing of the past. If there is no flooding, there is no need for water damage restoration and that saves you a lot of money.
You shouldn’t have to think any further. Here is an option that will help you keep all under-home structures dry and avoid health, as well as property damage. A sump pump installation will also help you protect your wallet and budget, while protecting your house. What are you waiting for? Get your sump pump installation done!