Home Home Improvement What Are the Different Types of HVAC Systems That Exist Today?

What Are the Different Types of HVAC Systems That Exist Today?

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Did you know that if your HVAC system is more than a decade old, it may be time to replace it? Luckily, many of the newer options on the market are easier to use and more energy-efficient, resulting in savings over time.

Have you ever wondered what the types of HVAC systems are, but you do not know where to begin? Here is a handy guide to HVAC units and finding the best HVAC company for your needs.

Packaged System

If you want to save space, then you should consider a packaged HVAC system for your professional HVAC needs. It combines everything you need into a single system so that you do not have to have a lot of extra space. Both air conditioner and heat pump into one unit.

This can be an easier system if you want the simplicity of controlling your thermostat all with one controller or remote. You can also add extras that will filter and improve air quality.

Split System

If you have areas of your home that aren’t accessible by ducts, then you may be interested in a split system. A split system includes mini HVAC units that you can install directly into parts of the house that do not get good heating and cooling.

You can have this type of system a standalone or in addition to your regular residential HVAC system. To learn more about a split system, contact your local HVAC company.

Ductless Heat Pump

A ductless system involves no ducts at all to distribute hot or cold air throughout your home. If you want to increase your energy efficiency and upgrade to a more modern solution, then ductless may be the right option for you.

These types of HVAC units also save a ton of space and require much less maintenance than traditional HVAC systems.

Hybrid Heat Pump

If you have more than one source of energy for heating and cooling your home, then a hybrid heat pump may be the best choice for your residential HVAC needs. Your heat pump has two sources of power, which are a furnace and electricity.

The furnace backup should only be necessary if the temperature dips into the very cold zone. You will also save on your energy bill with this type of HVAC system because it will take the heat from the air outside your home.

So Many Types of HVAC Systems

If you are trying to decide on a new HVAC system, you should not have to worry about making the right choice. With this guide to the different types of HVAC systems, you can make an informed decision with the help of your local HVAC installation company.

Would you like to learn more about everything related to home renovation? Check out our site for more tips and tricks for creating the perfect house that your family will cherish for generations.

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