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Sump It Up: Do Plumbers Install Sump Pumps?

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If you live in an area prone to basement flooding, you understand how important it is to have working sump pumps. To put your good judgment into perspective, FEMA estimates that, on average, it takes only 1-inch of floodwater to cause 25 thousand dollars in potential damage to your home.

That said, you may still be asking yourself, “Should I call my local plumber to install a sump pump?”

Plumbers are highly skilled in repairing many types of home-based appliance systems. However, finding a specialized sump pump installation expert ensures that your sump pump will work when it is most needed.

Keep reading to learn why.

1. Waterproofing Experts Will Save You Time and Money

Plumbers are an incredible resource when you have emergency leaks. They are great at installing fixtures for appliances. However, they often don’t have the knowledge needed to offer long-term waterproofing solutions.

When your sump pump stops working, you need an expert to repair or provide a new installation immediately. Without a timely sump pump repair, you risk damp basement conditions that can harbor slow, long-term damage like mold. An even costlier issue to have repaired.

2. Waterproofing Experts Can Recommend and Service All Your Waterproofing Needs

Not only can expert waterproofing contractors provide you with timely, cost-saving repairs – they can make recommendations, too. They can recommend other services, products, or needed changes to your current system.

Ask your local waterproofing expert for a full inspection – some may offer free initial inspections.

A knowledgeable expert will look for weak points in your current system and recommend repairs. They might also recommend additional products to bolster your system. For example, an upgrade such as a sump pump battery backup could save your home in the most trying of emergencies.

3. Waterproofing Experts Plan for Future Problems

A waterproofing contractor is not only concerned with the current state of your sump pump system. They are concerned about the entire waterproofing system and how it will perform in the future.

It is possible that they may recommend a larger sump pump installation due to your previous sump pump burning out. It may cost more, but it could save you from having to pay for even costlier future damages.

They might even direct you to other outside services that could improve your overall waterproofing plan. These services include yard-grading, gutter repair, and indoor drainage systems.

Don’t Risk Damage to Your Home Without Expert Sump Pumps Installation

Sump pumps are not an option for many homeowners who require a waterproof basement. Sump pump systems offer an easy-to-access backup drainage system that doesn’t require costly outdoor excavation.

Many companies that offer sump pump installation will offer other waterproofing recommendations, services, and warranties for your home. Don’t risk costly damage to your home without seeking help from an expert home waterproofing business.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you did, then head back to our blog for more great home maintenance information—see you there!Sump It Up: Do Plumbers Install Sump Pumps?

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