Home Home Improvement Professional Aircon Solutions You Can Count On

Professional Aircon Solutions You Can Count On

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During these sweltering, scorching months, the last thing anyone wants to do is call an aircon repair specialist. However, if the installation of your aircon was not done by the right professionals, then it might face operating problems in a few years or even months’ time. If your aircon refuses to cool your home properly, has weird smells when it blows or straight up leaves puddles on your floor overnight, then it might be high time to call in the aircon doctors.

Since we are not servicemen, here are some important things to note when going for installation. Keep in mind that knowing these things about your unit and briefing them properly helps with diagnosing and repairing, and makes it much easier for both the servicing company and you.

The Brand and Types of Aircons

It goes without saying that the brand and type of aircon also holds great importance during the installation process. Knowing the specs and optimal placement of the unit is a must – although having a professional advise you on the placement and such is still the best. Regular aircons, central aircons, evaporative coolers and ductless split aircons all require different methods of installation, so having an experienced technician from LK Brothers who knows about these types of units can definitely facilitate the installation process.

How Powerful your Aircon Unit is

Contrary to popular belief, size does matter for aircon installation! The larger the room, the higher your aircon BTU must be. However, having a BTU that is too powerful for the room also has its own problems. A low BTU will lead to your room taking extra long to cool, which also makes the aircon work harder and raises your electricity usage.

Having a BTU that is too high means that while the room gets cooled, the moisture extraction is unable to match the pace of the cooling mechanism – meaning that your room gets muggy and humid after a while. Knowing what BTU is best for your room is important to save money and maintenance!

Engage a realiable aircon company

Having a good installation helps prevent this from happening, and saves you the hassle of having to reinstall and repair your unit. LK Brothers is one such professional servicing company that installs your aircon and giving it a running start! Many of these companies have large numbers of returning customers, and that speaks for itself.

Their servicing has earned the trust of many households and are the first contact on many people’s minds when they think of aircon servicing. It also helps that they have extensive knowledge about their trade and will most certainly ensure that your aircon is serviced or installed properly.

We hope that this article has helped you feel more confident about installation! Find more additional information about aircon servicing and the other types of maintenance they offer! If you are a new homeowner, renovating your house or simply facing aircon troubles, do give them a look. Remember to stick with the professionals!

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