Home Home How to Create a Home Emergency Plan [2021 Guide]

How to Create a Home Emergency Plan [2021 Guide]

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Are you prepared for a disaster? If you haven’t prepped your home and talked with your family members, it’s time to take action. You don’t want to be caught off guard in the event of a tornado, fire, or another emergency.

Read on to find the 2021 guide to creating a home emergency plan!

Consider the Risk Factors in Your Area

Do you live in Tornado Alley? Or are you in a flood zone? To create a more effective home emergency plan, be aware of the specific concerns in your area.

For instance, you might need to evacuate due to a summer hurricane. Pack sleeping bags, water, and spare clothing in your car’s trunk. Then you can make a quick exit.

On the other hand, you may live in a dangerously cold area. Stash extra mittens and a down jacket in your car and basement. And put a more general emergency kit in a bright bag so it’s obvious for anyone in your household.

Create an Emergency Kit

When it comes to building an emergency preparedness plan, you’ll want to build an emergency kit. Include bandaids, gauze, and a tourniquet in your emergency kit. And place it in a garage, basement, or hallway closet for easy access.

Add batteries, pliers, and cell phone chargers to the kit. And stash a few flashlights in it, too. Better yet, invest in a Solar Powered Generator so you can keep your appliances running during an outage.

Keep Food Stocked at Home

Plan on stashing several gallons of water as well as canned goods in your pantry. Aim for one gallon of water per person — and include some food and water for your pets. Pantry items that are protein-rich, like garbanzo beans, as well as soups are good choices.

And don’t forget the can opener! Just make sure it’s manual so you can use it if the power goes out. While you’re at it, include some plastic forks and knives, as well as paper plates.

A Home Emergency Plan Requires Good Communication

Whether it’s a fire emergency plan for home or a tornado action plan, you need to communicate it. A plan won’t be useful unless everyone in your household understands their role.

Hold a family meeting at least once a year to discuss your plan. You might even find it helpful to create a map or cheat sheet that you can post on a refrigerator. That way everyone will have a quick way to refresh their memories if an emergency strikes.

Build a To-go Bag

Sometimes you need to act quickly, so it’s wise to have a bag ready for travel. Pack a few sets of clothes as well as some extra money. And toss in some high-protein energy bars.

You could keep the bag in a bedroom, garage, or car. Check it periodically to make sure it’s ready for each season of the year.

Start an Emergency Preparedness Plan for Home

Get your home emergency plan started before it’s too late. Talk with your family members and rehearse your plan. Check your emergency stock every year to ensure that you’re ready when you need to be!

For more safety and security tips, check back for new and informative articles.

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