Home Home Improvement Get to Know the Ceramic Tiles Style and Application

Get to Know the Ceramic Tiles Style and Application

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Ceramic tile is not just strong and long-lasting but even versatile. How to choose between the different options can be a little hard because you need to know how the potential tile type will handle the daily life wear and tear for decades in the future. 

Therefore, homeowners need to learn the popular tile types used before they visit the local Club Ceramic tile supplier

Terracotta vs. Mosaic

Both are made from clay material but with a little difference. The former is created from red clay gumbo and fired at low temperatures. The end product is a natural but fragile tile. The latter is designed using clay with manually added pigments. Therefore, mosaics are found in a plethora of colors. Mosaic is sparingly used inside homes as its vibrant colors disturb the eyes. However, they are great for outdoor use as they get surrounded by equally bold and vivacious colors. 

Weathered terracotta possesses a classic charm, which many homeowners adore. Unfortunately, terracotta tiles are fragile and cannot handle freezing or thawing or frosty weather. 

Glazed vs. unglazed

Certain products perform poorly in specific conditions, so ask questions. For example, the high glazed tiles look attractive but can be very slippery when wet. Therefore, are bad options in wet zones of the home. 

High gloss tiles are used as a backsplash in the kitchen or to refinish a fireplace. Glazed tiles have a glass coating, which makes cleaning easy. It is polished, clean, as well as resistant to water and stain damage. Alternatively, an unglazed tile lacks the extra protection layer, therefore, it needs periodic resealing. It has a more natural look than its counterparts. Both are great for creating tile sized artwork. 

Quarry tile

Quarry tiles are tough. These are created using minerals like clay, feldspar, and shale. The process is just like brick-making. Due to extreme heat, the tiles are very hard. Unlike terracotta, these tiles are not porous but have an inbuilt capacity to handle excessive moisture. 

Quarry tiles are not glazed, so look robust and a great option for commercial use. Quarry tile is acceptable for home applications. Due to its natural aesthetics and anti-slip properties, they are great for office use. 

Briefly speaking, you can use ceramic tile maple grove mn in many ways besides obtaining a long-lasting floor. Each one looks great in its individual way and each one has qualities that make them perfect for specific applications. If you are not so aware of these varying applications, you can speak to the ceramic tile supplier.

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