Home Home Improvement A Quick Guide to Generator Installation

A Quick Guide to Generator Installation

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Does your house lack a generator?

Some extreme situations like heat waves can cause blackouts. If you have no generator at home, you’re risking your comfort and security. You won’t have proper cooling and other electricity-related conveniences.

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However, deciding to buy an emergency generator is only the first step. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything about generator installation. Read on and find out more.

1. Do Your Research and Gather Your Supplies

Before installing a generator, determine your generator’s plug and amperage requirements. It prevents compatibility issues and prevents you from wasting money. The generator’s size and capacity play a role in discovering whether your plug has enough amperage.

Check the plug for any amperage labels. That way, you’ll know the most appropriate options in the market.

Once you determine the generator type, buy a UL-listed device. It should match the control box. At the same time, check whether its performance complies with standards.

Plug the two-pin circuit breaker, the cables, the amplifier’s input box, and the sticker on the cable housing. Ensure these components match the size of your generator.

2. Look for the Conduit Hole

If your home has no channel hole, make one by drilling the conduit hole. Make sure it’s as close as possible to the plate. Use a hammer drill to ease the task.

After that, install the power input box. Cover the power input housing before making the blind hole on the PVC connection. Use either glue or a waterproof plug.

3. Glue the Conduit and Wire the Generator Input Connector

Use a hacksaw to glue the line to the necessary length. Never stick until you’re sure it’s the correct size. Double-check the measurements and attach them.

Run the wiring after letting the glue dry. Remove the lead body cover and pull each wire. Attach to the connector afterward.

Get rid of at least 75% of the insulation before using a large screwdriver or nut to tighten the clamps.

4. Push the Wiring and Prepare the Cable Switch Box

Push each cable through the duct into the house. Ensure they fit properly before replacing the duct housing cover. Fill the spaces between the house and the canal with silicone.

To prepare the cable switch box, turn off the primary power source and ranch switches. Remove the four screws securing the switch’s front panel, as well as a blind hole before screwing the cable adapter.

Pull all cables to the box to secure them.

5. Free Space for Switches

Free up the top and right switch areas to ensure a smoother installation. You’ll have enough replacement cables if you move a few switches down. If you lack space, use a short, insulated cable piece.

You can now install the generator’s switches and cables in the free space. Attach the red and black wire to a connector. Connect the white wire to the common connection bare within the box while the green goes to the ground bar.

6. Install the Hold Switch and Interlock

The hold switch secures the switch, preventing it from moving. Once installed, replace the control panel. Do the same for out-of-place switches.

Move the generator switch to the primary off position. Turn off the switch and drop the slider, ensuring it stays inactive. Ideally, it should have a five-second pause before turning on.

Configure the generator as you see fit to finish the task.

How to Choose the Right Generator Size

Now you know about generator installation, it’s time to learn the ideal size for your home. As a general rule, think about how often you’ll need emergency power. The duration of these power outages also matters.

Do you want to check specific generator models? See more here.

1. Frequent Power Outages

If your home experiences frequent and long outages, consider using home standby, portable, and large inverter generators. It’s especially when you live in areas with severe weather conditions.

These generators are enough to power your house until your power returns. You can connect them directly to your circuit breaker panel. It allows you to run hardwired appliances like air conditioning.

2. Occasional Outages

Spending thousands on a standby generator is wasteful if you don’t suffer as many outages. It applies even when they’re sometimes longer. Consider investing in large inverters or portable generators instead.

It’s cheaper to haul these generators out of your garage or shed and use them to power your home during outages. Install a transfer switch to ensure a smooth operation. Keep the generator outside and away from windows to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

3. Rare Outages

Even when you experience outages once or twice a year, keep a midsized or recreational inverter around. It gives you peace of mind in case something unexpected happens.

Midsized generators have enough power to run your window AC and refrigerators. Their recreational counterparts are compact enough to power your television.

How to Choose the Right Generator Installation Company

If you can’t install a generator on your own, it’s better to look for a generator installation contractor. It saves you time, allowing you to do more productive tasks instead.

Hiring a professional also ensures your safety. After all, you’re dealing with dangerous electrical components.

Do your research and determine whether the company has the right tools for the job. They must have the expertise to ensure your generator installation is proper. Otherwise, it will break sooner.

Once you know the proper tools, ask your potential contractor about what they have. It determines whether their equipment can handle the installation. 

Study their reputation, especially if they only operate within your area. Ask your loved ones or neighbors for recommendations. It ensures you’ll get legitimate companies.

Start with Generator Installation Now

These are some steps for a generator installation. Never let power outages take away your home comfort. Find the right size for your needs and install your generator now.

However, it’s best to let professionals do the job instead. It’s safer and more cost-effective in the long run.

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