Think about your parents’ house. Can you see the windows and doors? How long have they been there for? Funny how most of our parents have had the same set of windows for years on end, only changing them one at a time –mostly due to cracks. While the quality of those glasses are not to be compared with the set in your house, their durability and resistance are on different levels.
Glasses in most houses are tested against several degrees of heat and cold to make sure they are at best standard but, what happens when it’s time to say goodbye. Or more importantly, how do you know that it’s time to replace your windows? Check out five different signs that tell you it’s time for window replacement.
- Water leakage
Water blotches along the frames or inside the windows can be a sign of weakness of the window caulk, or a plumbing defect. Whichever it is, that’s a sign that work has to be done at that site, and the perfect reason to get new windows installed –with sturdier frames.
- Pest infestation
House pests usually gain entry through window gaps and cracks. If you begin to notice an uncanny amount of infestation, it is probably time to get a window replacement for your house. While this infestation may be as a result of woodwork defect, do your basic investigation to follow their trail and if it leads back to the proximity of your windows –that’s your sign.
- Safety risk
Loose hinges, broken window glasses and several other defects are safety risks to you, and other occupants of the house. If any of these should occur, do not hesitate to get a replacement for the window, in order to avoid any damages or injuries.
- Conductive glasses
Window glasses are expected to resist the temperature outside. As such, if you begin to feel more heat/ drafty air inside your house, it could mean that your windows are losing their temperature resisting features which leaves only aesthetic purpose, and that’s not good enough. Change your windows if, and when, you think they are not serving their practical function.
- Seasonal changes
Winter and summer are two extremely different temperatures. It is important to put up windows to fit the season, thereby ensuring temperature sustainability. This is particularly during winter, when there are more storms and harsh conditions, it is important to avoid safety risks by using the appropriate windows for the season.
The moment you spot any of these signs, don’t second-guess it. Put in the order for a new set of windows and start a new journey with those.