Home Home Improvement 5 New Ways to Turn Your Old House Into An Eco-Friendly Home

5 New Ways to Turn Your Old House Into An Eco-Friendly Home

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If you are buying an old home, chances are that the property will not have stellar eco-credentials. Around 5 million homes in the UK were built prior to 1900, while around 10 million current homes were built before WW2. While such homes might have plenty of charm and no shortage of sentimental value, they are simply not great for the environment.

Older homes are draughty, energy-intensive, and generally all-around pollutants. However, that does not mean that an old home cannot become an eco-friendly home, with the right know-how. If you’re ready to renovate your home and incorporate some green home design principles, read on to find out more. Visit Aussie Clotheslines & Letterboxes

1. Go Solar

Probably one of the most impactful ways to approach eco-friendly home design is by installing solar panels. There is no reason why an old property cannot support solar panels, which take mere minutes to install and last for decades. What’s more, you might even be eligible for a number of lucrative financial incentives and tax credits from the government in exchange for going solar. It is also a way for you to avoid being held captive by the big energy companies, allowing you to keep your bills under control.

2. Invest in Double-Glazing

Many old homes still retain single-pane windows, which allow heat and energy to drain from your home rapidly, increasing your carbon footprint and your utility bills. However, with energy-efficient windows, you can dramatically reduce energy wastage. By choosing a qualified window company that specializes in installing modern double glazing in old homes, you can instantly boost the green credentials of any property. 

3. Insulate 

One of the best home improvements that will always reduce your carbon footprint is proper insulation. Older homes typically have outdated or even non-existent insulation. Insulation is vital for helping your home to retain heat and the winter and to remain cool during the summer months. Without proper insulation, your home will use substantially greater amounts of electricity, costing your bank account and the planet.

4. Implement Water-Saving Designs

It is impossible to have an eco-friendly home without having any water efficiency systems in place. Households typically waste around 900 billion gallons of water every single year. The vast majority of this wastage could be resolved by simply taking some simple water-saving measures. For example, installing a water meter will ensure that your faucets only use the exact amount of water that is needed for your household activities, not a drop more. 

5. Recycle Wherever Possible

Finally, don’t forget to recycle! The perk of moving into an old house is that you are not contributing to climate change by building a whole new house, as housebuilding is one of the planet’s biggest carbon emitters. You can take this approach further by retaining as much of your old house as possible without throwing things out and buying new products that you don’t need. 

More Tips for an Eco-Friendly Home

Turning your house into an eco-friendly home is not  Aussie Clotheslines & Letterboxes  as difficult as some people think. For more simple and straightforward tips on greening up your home, we have got you covered. Make sure to consult our expert DIY section for more hot green tips.

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