Home Home Improvement 5 Essential Health Benefits of Clean Indoor Air

5 Essential Health Benefits of Clean Indoor Air

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There’s nothing like breathing in the fresh, rejuvenating air of the great outdoors. Fresh air provides a variety of health benefits and keeps us feeling our best. But for many of us, spending a large amount of time outside isn’t an option.

Thankfully, it’s absolutely possible to have clean indoor air that provides just as many benefits as the air outdoors (though you still need a dose of sunshine now and then).

Now, it’s true that air purifiers and high quality air conditioning installation services are an investment, but it’s one worth making! Still not convinced? To learn more about the benefits of purifying the air in your home, keep reading!

1. Improved Mental Health

We all know that purified air can prevent allergies, but did you know that it’s beneficial to your mental health as well? It’s true!

Breathing in clean air helps you to feel relaxed and happy. This decreases your stress levels and promotes overall mental well-being.

2. Decreased Risk of Heart Disease

Your lungs aren’t the only organs that benefit from clean air conditioning. Airborne contaminants can also damage the heart. And with heart disease being the number one cause of death in the country, the importance of protecting this vital organ can’t be overstated!

You might still be exposed to air pollutants outdoors, but keeping the air in your home clean will limit this exposure, lowering your risk of disease.

3. Anti-Aging Effects

Knowing that air pollution is so detrimental to your internal organs, it should be no surprise that it’s bad for your skin as well. Your skin absorbs everything in your environment, and when it absorbs pollutants, you’ll notice a decrease in elasticity and an increase in complexion issues.

If you’re considering requesting an AC installation for its anti-aging effects, you might want to invest in a humidifier as well, especially if you live in a dry climate. Maintaining the right moisture level in the air will help your skin maintain its moisture too.

4. Stronger Cognitive Health

Every part of your body requires oxygen to function properly, including your brain. When the air in your home is full of contaminants because it’s been a decade since your last air conditioning installation, you’re putting your cognitive health at risk.

A quality air purifier will remove harmful particulate pollution from your home, leaving you with nothing but clean, oxygen-rich air.

5. Lower Risk of Diabetes

Will clean air guarantee that you’ll never get diabetes? No. You still have to eat right, exercise often, and avoid smoking and other negative habits.

However, developing Type 2 diabetes becomes far more likely with long-term exposure to air pollution. Clean indoor air can help lower your risk.

Keep Your Family Healthy With Clean Indoor Air

There’s no way to prevent every harmful exposure and illness, but when it’s possible to take steps to protect your family, why not take advantage?

By ensuring that your home contains clean indoor air, you’ll reduce their exposure to allergens and harmful pollutants, keeping their bodies strong, inside and out.

In need of more tips for keeping your home a healthy place? Take a look at our blog!

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