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5 Common Methods of Purifying Drinking Water Today

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About 785 million people worldwide don’t have access to clean water. If you are one of them, or if you are traveling abroad to an area with suspect water you need to keep abreast of some water purifying methods.

There are many methods used to purify drinking water worldwide and some are more simple than you think. The best method to purify water for you will depend on where you live and the resources at your disposal.

This guide will explain five common methods of purifying drinking water. That way if you are in a pinch you can make sure that your water is safe to drink.

1. Boiling

Boiling water is the tried and true way to purify it. It is one of the most cost-effective methods of purifying water. All you need is a heat source capable of bringing your water to a vigorous boil for at least one minute.

Boiling water is one of the oldest methods used to purify water. It kills all biological contaminants but will not remove contaminants such as mercury.

2. Pill-Based Water Purifying Methods

Iodine tablets were one of the first pill-based water purification methods. Iodine does however leave your water slightly off-color and with a strange taste. There have since been less invasive pills developed you can use instead.

3. Filtration

Filtration is one of the most simple methods to purify water. There are many different kinds of filters to choose from, from the common home filter to a portable one you can attach to a bottle.

Do some research to determine the best inline water filter for your home needs. That way you can utilize this simple method of water purification.

4. U.V. Purification

The use of ultraviolet light to purify water can be costly, but it is very effective. This is a more applicable form of purification for a commercial or municipal plant. There are however some applications for personal use as well.

During the U.V. purification process water is run through a series of ultraviolet emitting devices that kill any pathogens. U.V. purification removes harmful pathogens but does little against chemical residues and impurities.

5. Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis purification is in essence a more advanced form of water filtration. It is very expensive and makes the most sense for large-scale water purification. It does have some personal applications for those wealthy enough.

During the reverse osmosis process water is strained through a very fine membrane that filters out contaminants on a molecular level. This produces a very clean form of water free of anything but H2O.

Clean Water Is Essential

Clean water is the essence of life and without it, you could not survive. Knowing some basic water purifying methods may save your life in a desperate situation. They are also great to know for traveling in the third world.

Put the knowledge in this guide into practice today by purifying some water, or keep them in the back of your mind for an emergency. For a whole host of other topics make sure to click around on our blog.

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